Hey, Jess
So, I think I was twelve years old (but maybe a little younger) when I decided that I wanted to learn how to play the guitar. After saving and a little help from my parents, I could buy my first acoustic guitar and a few books to learn how to read music and play simple tunes. At first I really loved doing that and I got the hang of it quite easily. But it didn't take too long for me to get bored of it. And I don't think that's reall weird, because no one would like doing the same thing over and over again.
My first electric guitar |
I started to look up how I could play the songs I listened to. But this was really difficult, because I didn't know how to play chords and all. So every time I found a song I wanted to play, I had to figure out what the chords were first. This took a lot of time, but I definitely learned from it.
A little while later, my mother somehow decided to buy herself a guitar to. This was an acoustic guitar, but it was different than mine. This was a black western guitar. (I'm very sorry if that's not the actual name!) I absolutely loved it. Like I said; it was actually my mother's, but I ended up being the one playing on it and keeping it in my room. But why did I need another acoustic guitar, you might ask? Because this one sounded way more beautiful in my opinion. My own guitar sounded kind of hollow to me, but this one had a strong sound. I don't really know how to explain it, but I just liked it a whole lot more. But unfortunately it was my mother's and she decided to sell it. (Yes, that made me angry.) At some point I sold my own acoustic quitar too, though I can't remember why and when. But that's the reason I don't have pictures of them anymore.
The black beauty <3 |
I took these lessons alone for a year. During that year I met a girl who became my best friend in a week or so. Really, we got a long so well and so soon, haha! After that year alone, we took lessons together. So now it was the two of us with that same man. It made it a lot more fun for me. She was better than me and I was still awkward and all, but we had fun.
During this year, I wanted to have an electric guitar with better quality. The cheap one had a problem that wasn't a major thing, but it also couldn't be fixed according to someone in the shop we went to. I already knew what kind of guitar I wanted, so when I could finally go to the shop, I immediately looked for it. But then I saw it! The black, spiked one. It wasn't what I was looking for initially, but I fell in love. And the best part was the price. Not only did I think this one was a beauty, it was also really cheap! Now, I don't mean it was just 15 euros or something, it was still quite some money. But it almost seemed like they put the wrong price tag there, haha. I showed it to my mom, who was with me because she can, well, drive and she said that it was a great deal. And that's how I got that beauty.
But, unfortunately, I stopped playing. At first I just didn't play that much (because of my mental
The new acoustic one |
But you know? I haven't sold my quitars yet. Heck, I even bought a new acoustic one (as you can see in the picture)! Why? Because I can't. Those instruments mean a lot to me. They kind of stand for hope. Because, I believe, at some point I know I will start playing again!
To be continued...
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