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Posts uit juni 18, 2017 tonen

Why tutorials are amazing

Hey, Jess here! Source: https: // Straight to the point; tutorials are amazing! I'm a huge fan of any kind of tutorial you can find out there on the internet. I don't care if it's a video, pictures, written or a combination. As long as it's done well and understandable, I love it. But why do I love them so much? It's not really like I can't ever figure out how to do things myself or come up with creative ideas. (Though sometimes the first one is true.) But sometimes I'm just looking around on Pinterest, for example, and I come across a tutorial of something that's really awesome or even useful. And the best part is, I can immediately do it. If I have the materials that is. Though tutorials aren't only for new things. As some may know, I have been drawing for a long time now. But I'm still looking up tutorials every now and then, just to improve skill I already have. Or I find new ways of doing something I'...

How I started playing Skyrim

Hey, Jess here! I should really do something about my memory, because I just can't remember if I have ever mentioned Skyrim before. If I haven't; I love Skyrim! But for those who don't know, I'll give a short explanation of what Skyrim is. Skyrim is the fifth game of a series called the Elder Scrolls. I haven't played the first four games, so I can't say I'm a fan of the series, but I'm definitely a fan of Skyrim. Well, the game is almost as open as it can be. There is a large world which you can travel across and explore any way you want. There is a main storyline to play, but if you don't feel like it, you can delay it as much as you want. Then there are a whole bunch of other storylines to play. Maybe it doesn't say that much, but a few examples are the Dark Brotherhood storyline, the Companions storyline, and the College of Winterhold storyline. But every storyline has its side quests too. And that's not all; almost everywhere you...

Places I'd like to go to

Hey, Jess here! Those who really know me, know that I spent a lot of time alone. But it's not that I'm lonely (though there are exceptions), I'm just an introvert. And if you were to look up what an introvert it, or watch all those videos on Youtube about introverts, you easily find out that we like being alone. Of course we have friends and we do things with them, but our time alone is kind of precious to us. But I'm not here to talk about being introvert. The point is that it doesn't seem like I'm someone who goes out and all. (I do have to mentioned that I have to work on exactly those evenings people usually go out or have parties.) I haven't travelled far in my life. When I went on vacations with my family, we always went to France (which is quite common among us Dutchies) and once I went to Austria.  While we were in Austria, we went to Venice for a day and one of the times we were in France, we had a daytrip to Barcelona, Spain, to visit so...

What if....

Hey, Jess here! A little while ago I read a short article about the chance that mythical creatures did exist. This article and the answers that others wrote, made me think about it and also let my imagination run wild. So I wanted to share my imaginations. The original article:  What’s the chance mythical creatures used to exist? So in the article a few creatures were mentioned already; the Unicorn, the Cyclops, and the Centaur. But the article spoke about misinterpret descrip tions or the lack of knowledge about existing animals. There are a few comments I thought were interesting that talked about how all the creatures did in some way exist, because of psychological, cultural and societal truths. But I was imagining about what it would be like if the actual creatures existed or still exist. What would it be like if we were to find a new skeleton and everyone is certain it's some kind of dinosaur. But when the scientists are reconstructing it, they gradually get more ...

"Assassin's Creed; The Secret Crusade" Book review

Hey, Jess here! Me, a huge fan of the Assassins Creed game series, is also a hug fan of the Assassins Creed book series. What a coincidence! No, not really, haha. I can't remember when I discovered the books, but I'm definitely sure that I did. Though there is a little catch. Not all the books have been written according to the chronological order from the games. This won't be a problem at all, I'll just follow the games' order and I'll mention in what year the books have been written. Easy peasy lemon squeezy (or something like that)! Assassin's Creed; The Secret Crusade This book was written in 2011 by Oliver Bowden. This is not the first book he's written, but the story is about Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad who is the first Assassin from the first game. Right of the bat I want to talk about the thing I find the most awesome about the books Bowden has written about Assassins Creed. His books don't just follow the stories of the games. It...

School project

Hey, Jess here! As I have let you known, I have recently graduaded and am now done with school forever (or untill I decide to start something new). But I wanted to take some time to tell you about a fun project I had in my last year. The project was a group project, in which I had to do most of the work unfortunately. But I could be a little creative, so that was the good part. The project was called Student Conpany. So we had to form a company within our group and do everything from thinking up a name, forming a business plan, do all the financial stuff and promotion. At the beginning of the project, our group consisted of 4 members. It didn't take long for us to come up with a name and what we were going to sell. We wanted to recycle old wouod and make decorative products. During the project we found out that it was really difficult to do this. But fortunately for us, I was doing creative stuff all the time and at that time I found something cool I wanted to try for myse...

God research: 2. Hou Yi

Hey, Jess here! So I kind of let the game decide for me which god I was going to discuss next. In Smite there is a game mode that's called Assault. In this game mode you het a random god picked out for and you have to do it with that one. Though you do have the option to switch with one of your teammates, but only if they want that too. Because of this, I said to myself "whichever one you get to play with, that will be the one you'll discuss next". And so it happened... Hou Yi in the right upper corner, next to the World Tree, taking aim at the suns.   Hou Yi is from the Chinese mythology and he was a famous archer. He is mostly known from the myth of the Ten Suns. This story is one of the most famous Chinese myths and takes place in prehistoric times. Back then a week consisted of 10 days instead of 7. For every day there was a sun and a sun bearer, also called a Jun-raven, that would take place in the sky for that day. These sun bearers were the sons of...

Most recent books

  • "Magnus Chase; And the Hammer of Thor" -Rick Riordan
  • "A Street Cat Named Bob" -James Bowen
  • "Magnus Chase; And the Word of Summer" -Rick Riordan
  • "Sacred Stone" -Clive Cussler
  • "Assassin's Creed; Underworld' -Oliver Bowden