Hey, Jess here!
The project was called Student Conpany. So we had to form a company within our group and do everything from thinking up a name, forming a business plan, do all the financial stuff and promotion.
At the beginning of the project, our group consisted of 4 members. It didn't take long for us to come up with a name and what we were going to sell. We wanted to recycle old wouod and make decorative products. During the project we found out that it was really difficult to do this. But fortunately for us, I was doing creative stuff all the time and at that time I found something cool I wanted to try for myself. When it worked out well, I showed the result to my boyfriend (who was in my project group by the way). He thought it was really awesome and that was when I carefully suggested that maybe we could try to sell that for our project. Immediately he was excited and whe asked our other group members and thought it was a good idea as well. But what was it that I made, you ask? That is a very good question! Maybe the pictures were a good hint, because that is what I made. I decorated glass jars in such a way that when you light a candle in them, it would reveal an image. Well these are just a few examples of what I've made. I have made many, many more. There were al sorts of colors and color cambinations, but also many different kinds of images. On the pictures here you can see wolves and giraffes. But we also jars with other animals, jars with trees and such, but also things like Pokémon. (We made one with a Gengar that was really awesome.) And the best part is that we have sold a whole bunch too. Our group had earned the most money of all the groups by far.
Something that really helped was that I had made a website for our company. It wasn't all too fancy and all, but the teacher really liked it. And one day at school, when we had to work on the project, one of my group's members showed the website on the big screen in the classroom. Because of this, some of our classmates looked it up and got really excited. Almost right away they, 3 girls, ordered about 10 jars, haha. So, even though it wasn't that much, I'm still quite proud of this website.
At last I'd like to make a suggestion to make a tutorial about how I made these. You can find others on the internet, but I had to do it with the materials I had, so it's probably all a little different. Let me know!
To be continued...
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